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Jex Comic Colour-in Trainers Jex brings a splash of colour and creativity with these unisex Comic colour-in trainers. These canvas trainers come with a set of 7 striking colour fabric pens, a keyring, colouring book and a colour-in shoe box. Sporting a durable rubber toe guard/sole they also have a nice colour matching pinstripe and fabric lining. The perfect addition for summer days or rainy aft…
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Jex Rainbow Colour-in Trainers Jex brings a splash of colour and creativity with these colour-in Rainbow trainers. These canvas trainers come with a set of 7 striking colour fabric pens, a keyring, colouring book and a colour in shoe box. Sporting a Durable rubber toe guard/sole they also have a nice colour matching pinstripe and fabric lining. The perfect addition for summer days or rainy after…